Friday, December 6, 2013

The St Louis Blues Perform The 12 Days of Sochi

The St. Louis Blues present The 12 Days of Sochi. This is a YouTube event that is absolutely ridiculous. I mean it is nice to see that professional athletes are willing to get in front of the camera and make complete fools of themselves, but this video was beyond stupid. The best part is where the comments section has been disabled so no one can comment on the dumbness of the video. Therefore, I felt it my duty to leave my thoughts and comments here on my blog.

If you could not tell by my opening statements, I was blown away – and not in a good way – by the YouTube video, The 12 Days of Sochi, performed by select members of the Blues team and various female “performers”.  I do not think I have seen anything quite as bizarre as this in a very long time. There is a fine line between having fun and looking just plain-old stupid and this video has crossed that line.

My thought it what possessed grown men and women to don winter hats, scarves and gloves along with inflatable guitars and sing a parody to the 12 Days of Christmas? I have been known to dance a little jig in the hallways of my workplace or belt out a short tune in fun, but I would for sure not record it or post it for the world to watch over and over again as I made a complete fool of myself. I have a little more self-respect than that and it is my hope that while the Blues are generally a young team, they would not act in a manner that was so degrading to their profession. My students and my daughter found the entire thing so absurd that they made fun of the entire team and now seem to think of them not as serious contenders for the Stanley Cup but as goof-offs who have little work ethic.

Okay, enough ranting for now and I apologize to those who found this video cute or charming. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this just happens to be mine.  While the boys of the Blues blow off a little steam acting stupid in front of the camera, hopefully they will buckle down that much harder and find a way to best the teams of the West when they are on the road. That is the true nemesis of the Blues as they have yet to find the winning formula for the West.

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