Finding the right path is something you figure our in high
school or college, right? That is what I thought, but when it came right down
to it, even after nine years of college, I settled into my field. I was not
passionate about it. Someone said to be why don’t you major in computers and so
I did. There was never a fire there for the things I was learning or the job I
was doing. I was listless and everything seemed mundane.
Then I switched gears and pursued teaching. For the past 16
years that is what has defined me. I was the computer guru who taught unruly,
unwanted high school students. However, with the rules and regulations
changing, the field of education has become more of a diploma mill than an
actual learning environment. I started experiencing burn out and I had not
wanted to continue after last year, but I stuck with it.
My dissatisfaction has grown exponentially since August and
I think it is time to switch gears again. The path that seemed so right 16
years ago is becoming overgrown and difficult to travel. So, I come back to the
question; how to find the right path? Where do I belong? Am I following the
Lord’s plan for my life?
After a heated, condescending phone call from the Human
Resources Director at the school district I am currently employed, I took time
to pray and study the Word of God. Every morning I dread getting up and going
into the viper pit – that is my nickname for the school district. It is eight
hours of insolent, defiant and down right rude co-workers chirping in your ear
about this person or that one. They make me question my sanity sometimes! Then
it is the needy, clingy students who make it all worth it. Not a day goes by
that I do not pray for those students who have touched my heart.
If I could be in a district where I could hand pick my
co-workers I would be in heaven! But, alas, we live in a fallen world and must
interact with these vipers who are clamoring for superiority. I take that back,
we are called to minister to and show the love of Jesus to these vipers.

I knew there had to be a reason why the thought of stepping
back from teaching did not send me into a frenzied terror. There was a calm
understanding that another transition was close at hand. The Lord has not yet
revealed what my new direction will be or where He is leading me. But I am
trusting in Him that my eyes will soon be opened and I will find enjoyment and
fulfillment wherever the Lord leads me.
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